With third year going strong this summer, my wife has gotten to experience what it is like to drive a fair distance to work. I have driven about 40 miles per day since we moved to Ohio, but she has not had the same experience. We live very close to the medical school, about 0.25 miles from the parking lot. So, most of her driving up to this point has been short.
Since she started working in Orthopedic Surgery, she has been driving about 50 miles per day. This rotation only runs for about 4 weeks, but in her next rotation she will drive a good distance as well (about 60 miles per day). The schedule change has a new set of challenges for her.
In the morning she has to wake up 30-40 minutes earlier to get to work than she did in the past. This also means that she needs to get in bed sooner, and has less time for extra activities during the day. When she is tired from work she still has to climb into her car and drive home, which takes about 45 minutes. It’s important to me for her to have a comfortable and safe vehicle in these circumstances. There is a lot of standing and walking in her daily schedule, which takes a toll on her. So, an uncomfortable car can amplify any aches or pains she is having from the day. Her previous vehicle tended to make any pains she was having worse. This is partly why I recently got her into a new car. Not only for the comfort, but the reliability of the new vehicle gives me some peace of mind while she is driving all over the Midwest. There will be times when she is away in another city, and it benefits me having her in a reliable vehicle. I feel that I don’t have to worry about her as much now as I did before, while she was driving her previous vehicle.
I have found that driving this distance to work to have positive effects as well as negative effects. Overall I enjoy driving this distance to work, but if given the opportunity to drive shorter I would consider it. This is a list of some of the main points that come to mind. It really will depend on who you are and what you enjoy doing. Do you enjoy driving? Do you need alone time?
Positive Effects
- Time to clear my mind after work.
- Alone time to reflect on your day or plan.
- Quiet time to be with my thoughts.
- Wind down from the stress and work of the job.
- My wife and I enjoy driving, so it has a fun factor for us.
Negative Effects
- Increased time away from home due to driving 1 hr+ per day.
- Have to stay focused until getting home before relaxing.
- Delayed dinner on occasion.
- Have to wake up earlier to get to work.
- More time on the road means a greater risk for an accident.
There are things that can be done to prepare for longer drives as well. Keeping water and snacks in your car is one thing that can help when getting out of work. My wife doesn’t get a lot of time to eat lunch, so her drive home could be used to catching up on eating leading into dinner. One thing that is extremely important to safe driving is making sure that you have slept enough. Falling asleep at the wheel can spell disaster, even in a smart vehicle that has advanced safety features.
It is important to me to have a reliable car and good tires when looking at driving long distances. As we are getting closer to fall and winter here in the Midwest, the road conditions will change and allow for a higher risk of accidents. Things will change as we near winter weather as this will add more factors to the long drives.
Prepare for the conditions and find ways to make it enjoyable for yourself. Make use of this time alone to reflect on your day or look forward to what is next. If you don’t have anything to reflect upon, crank the tunes and have fun with it. Make it into something you look forward to because it is enjoyable. Be safe out there!